Toyota + Lexus

Innovation at scale.

The Problem.
The world’s largest automaker, Toyota, knows a thing or two about being a leader.
With over 360,000 employees globally, the 80 year-old company realized that digital transformation was an imperative if they were to stay on top.
The AdPlanner Solution.
AdPlanner is Toyota's global distribution platform for all sales and marketing assets. With operations in more than 170 countries and languages, scalability was paramount.
The eShowroom Solution.
The eShowroom portal serves as a hub for Toyota to disseminate information and salesforce education on over 20 new model launches a year in the US alone. As a result, we achieved 100% adoption in over 1,500 dealerships in a matter of months.
My Role.
Experience Director / BeyondCurious
I started off with field research to understand sales associates' daily needs. Not only did it inform our final solution, it even uncovered new imperatives that needed to be addressed: associates relied heavily on third-party sources and customers were left out entirely.
I then helped lead the team in multiple design sprints providing innovation incubation, facilitation, competitive analyses, best practices and strategic guidance. I performed UX activities on a daily basis including concept definition, design architecture, and produced over 500 wireframes.

Talk soon, ok?


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